Saturday, February 09, 2008

A new year and some imminent new arrivals...

Well another new year and it is nearly the middle of February by the time I get around to writing in my blog. Nothing new in that I guess, It does make me realise how disciplined you need to be to keep up regular posts though. So I suppose that makes me irresponsible? No I don’t think so, just time challenged.

Things are fairly quiet around here right now, after hosting family and friends since early November the house has returned once more to the quiet peaceful abode it was prior to becoming a temporary hotel for international visitors. Don’t misunderstand me though, it was great to see everyone, but it is nice to chill out a bit after they have gone home. This peaceful state of affairs will I doubt last for long though. We are expecting the arrival of twins in a couple of months and then, well let’s just say it will be different. I haven’t mentioned this here before as it didn’t seem too real for some reason, now though, with a heavily pregnant wife to try and avoid bumping into in the narrow parts of the house, and piles of new baby items accumulating in every spare corner, it is time to blog about it, as I am sure that soon, I will have nothing else to talk about but babies and all the many and varied things that accompany them

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